Today's post is written to thank my dear friend Julie Pishny of Prairie Thistle for all her advice, encouragement and support. She pushed me out of my comfy little nest and encouraged me to start writing and sharing my photography. Most of us are our own worst critics, and its so essential to have someone in your creative corner to tell you that you are mistaken when you have those moments of doubt.... that your work is meaningful and worth sharing and deserves the chance to grow. Thank you Julie.
The above photo is one of Julie's creations, a vintage spoon transformed into a bracelet stamped with "Joie De Vivre" or Joy of Life. This embodies who she is and I gotta tell ya, if you spend any time with her at all, she is contagious!
This month she is celebrating her 400th blog post! Please take some time to visit her and experience her amazing work. There is a link to her online store at the top of her blog page
http://gardenology.blogspot.com/. Don't forget to shop with her for Mother's day this year, as she has something for everyone and what better gift for Mom than a special piece of art made by loving hands?