Saturday, January 23, 2010

"The Dot" Make your mark, then see where it goes.

I bought a children's book last week - for myself! Its called "The Dot" by Peter H. Reynolds. Its about a young girl named Vashti who didn't think she was an artist. Her teacher encouraged her to just make a mark on her blank page. She did, and it was just that - a mark. A dot. It wasn't much, but it was the beginning of her creative journey. This is a very short but powerful little book that everyone should read. Its not just about art. Its about taking a step. Then another. Then seeing where it goes. Its about not getting so caught up in the details and fear of failure that you are paralyzed. I can sometimes spend too much time pondering what I want to create or photograph, that at I end up with nothing. I become so concerned about the end result when I should just be taking that first step. It seems fear and vulnerability run rampant when something beautiful is about to be born. Those feelings should probably be our first clue that we are on to something good!
In the same week of finding "The Dot" I also saw a post (thank you Kathleen Catania) with a video of Elizabeth Gilbert, author of "Eat, Pray, Love" speaking on creativity. Its amazing how it tied into the theme of "The Dot".

When my friend Julie of Prairie Thistle encouraged me to start this blog and share my photography, I felt much like Vashti and her dot. But here I am, making my little mark. And I'm excited to see where it goes.

Monday, January 18, 2010

The Shack

Today I was a real estate appraiser. At least it started out that way. I was viewing a home (not this one!) at least 45 minutes away in the country. Assignments in the city area are much easier than rural ones.... however, the miles you get to drive between points "A" and "B" are the consolation! I always find something interesting along the way. Today I found an old shack sitting on the corner of the highway and a dirt road. It was so tiny...maybe 10'x12' at the most. Inside were two rusted beds that were similar to the portable rolling kind you get in a hotel for the kids. In the center was an overturned stove or heater of some sort. The sunken floors were merging with the dirt underneath and the roof was full of holes, open to the rafters. The best surprise was the Bible left on one of the beds. Everything in the room was so old, then there it was, with sunlight shining down upon it. Ironic. Everything old, worn-out and dirty, then this new bright blue Bible kissed with sunlight. Maybe a parallel here? On the outside of the shack, I couldn't believe the charm...the stone on the side and the brick trim around the windows and doors. This is a great example of someone making the best of what they had! I need to pay attention here, for this is a great lesson in gratitude. Someone was obviously very proud of this little shanty at one time. I wish I knew the history of this place. Maybe I should have taken the time to visit the neighbor across the road to find out...but then again, I might have been disappointed! I'm okay with my own idea of who might have dwelt here and what they were all about... and who might have been visiting lately. I'll leave it at that.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Another Good Close Look

My family is planning a trip to Florida this summer. This is a vacation long over-due for us! I was thinking about the water and white sand when this photo came to mind. Can you see it? The sand and the blue ocean with soft waves in the distance? This is actually a view of an old tractor I found along a walking trail. It was sitting off in grass with weeds grown up all around it. I'm not sure why it was left there, but I couldn't resist a closer look. So, through the tall grass I went and started snapping. Of all the photos I took, this is my favorite because it evokes something more than just the wheel of a tractor. Wouldn't that be a great way to view everything and everyone in life? Not just what we see at first glance, but from a different or closer viewpoint allowing everything else to fall away. This is only a wheel of an old tractor, but its a work of art in my eyes.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

A Good Close Look

Welcome to my blog! I am mom of two boys and four dogs. I'm also a real estate appraiser and passionate for photography! I spend alot of time on the road, and within the miles between points "A" and "B" are loads of visual treasures... quaint little towns, wildflowers and wildlife, sunsets, glorious landscapes, old barns and a few Ozarks oddities as well. I love capturing overlooked beauty in unexpected places. You can find it in just about anything or anyone if you stop, take your time and give a good close look....