Saturday, February 6, 2010

Symbols, Signs and Salvage

I regret not capturing an image of the recliner with the stuffed man just behind the right side of the gate..

Something about a shotgun...

And I mean it!

Two locks are always better than one!

Bad Bulls..

Wire butterfly with beads

No trespassing... I love the old box springs!

Do you think this really is the actual address?

I found this gate to some farm land on a backroad near my house. I have no idea why so much effort was put forth to confuse passers-by like myself with all the symbols, signs and salvage... but nonetheless the display definately caught my attention. I hope whoever reads this post finds these images as interesting and entertaining as I do... I'm just grateful I didn't get shot while taking them! I'm not trying to express deep meaning between the lines of this text or within these pictures - unless, that is, they evoke something for you... then I want to hear about it!


  1. Wow, someone is agoraphobic! I la la love the lock photo. Something about rust gets me everytime! I love the different colors of it in contrast with the white of the snow.

  2. Dewin.. I just saw your photo boxes on your Etsy page. I LOVE THEM!! I've never tried to paint a photo, but I absolutely love the effect.

  3. Hey Stace, I love this series of photos...I like to think that despite all the hostility and threatening signs, the person behind all this salvage has created a unique display that is plainly as humorous as it is disturbing...

    I love seeing the world through your lens.

  4. Hi Stacey,

    This post cracks me up! I moved to the South 3 years ago and this is exactly what you could see anywhere. I am sure that the owner is very proud of their so called artwork here. Very interesting!

    I really enjoyed the way you altered these photos. it really added to the story!

    Take Care,

  5. Thank you, Tammy! I had alot of fun taking these pics. I used a Lensbaby for most of them, and also a 50mm fixed lens. If you've never used or heard of a Lensbaby, you should check it out It can make even the most common photo very interesting. I especially liked it for these pics because it gave them a mysterious feel. I grew up in a small town east of here where Laura Ingalls Wilder is wrote her books and is laid to rest. I hope to write some posts soon about this part of our Ozarks history also. Thanks for reading!


  6. HI Stacy, thanks for stopping by and saying hi! Beautiful photography, what a talent! Take care, Riki

  7. Thank you, Riki! I love your jewelry...especially the viking knit nest bracelet. I'm putting it on my wish list!
