Friday, February 12, 2010

With All My Hearts...

Valentine's day is almost here, but at my house we are celebrating Valentine's weekend! Why not stretch it out? I found the cutest heart shaped plates at Target finished in glittery red. Then at Walgreen's I couldn't resist the light-up drinking glasses with hearts. So, Saturday night I will light some candles for the table and serve my little men heart shaped pepperoni pizza on glittery heart plates and serve a sparkling drink in the light-up glasses. Now, how can you beat that? It won't be long before they will no longer tolerate my glitter and hearts... My oldest son is 11, and his valentine bag contained black rubber barn boots...filled with candy and some Redi-Whip, all to himself, to be eaten straight from can to mouth! On any other day this would be forbidden! My youngest is 8, and thank goodness he still enjoys the sweet sentimental things - so he received his load of candy with a giant, furry Valentine's frog. He refused, though, to allow "hearts" anywhere near his Lego themed valentine's box for school. I'm slowly losing him to big-boyhood. I'm going to miss these days when they're gone.
Of course I can't write here without a corresponding photo. What I love about this image of the Queen Anne's Lace is the heart... I didn't discover it until later. What a nice surprise! The simple flower with the tiny heart...set with the old rusty fence in the background. Isn't that the best kind of love - the kind that surprises you, or springs up in places you wouldn't ever expect? That's when it makes its biggest impact on the world. Happy Valentine's weekend :-)


  1. Such beautiful photographs! I love Queen Anne's delicate, and romantic! Sounds as though you have a very special Valentine's Day meal planned for your family. Enjoy!

    Diana Frey

  2. Thank you, Diana! I love Queen Anne's Lace, too... its so prolific here and goes unnoticed by most. I hope you had a wonderful Valentine's weekend. Thank you so much for visiting my blog. :-)

  3. Your boys will be reflecting on the Valentine's Day spent with Mom and the glasses that lit up with their kids someday - what a special treat for them to share with you.

    They are lucky little men to be sure. lys

  4. Julie... I warmed up leftovers tonight for Jack served with some iced water in the light up heart glass. I didn't push the button for the lights... but he did! He's taller and cooler than me... but not too cool to like the light-up heart glass. Sweet.
